About Love N. Books Press
An imprint of Wolfpack Publishing, Love N. Books Press is a romance-focused independent publisher. We love love. More importantly, we understand and appreciate that reader passion is the heart of every author’s happily ever after. We’re fiercely committed to publishing the romantic stories that blaze (or simmer) forth from an author’s imagination.
How We Operate
Our main focus is digital sales. We list all of our books in e-book and paperback, with the potential for hardcover and audio. But we also distribute through Ingram. That means booksellers everywhere can buy our authors’ titles and place them on physical shelves. That being said, since online sales is our focus, we tend to work best with authors who do footwork on the ground to get their titles in local stores. All the capabilities are there, and we’re ready to help you every step of the way.
Honesty Is Key
If we don’t believe a title or an author is a good fit for Love N. Books Press and would be better served self-published or traditionally published, we will do our best to point you toward a better solution.
Author-Friendly Contracts
We are proud of the ability to boast about our author/publisher publishing agreement, which may be the most author-friendly contract in the industry. Love N. Books Press covers all production and marketing expenses, and we’re open to negotiations. Yep! You read that right.
Net royalties received from our distributors are split between author and publisher, with royalty distributions made monthly and within days of receipt.
Online Marketing Is Our Focus
If a book can’t be found, it can’t be sold. With over 40 years of online and offline marketing experience, Love N. Books Press is as much an online marketing company as it is a small press.
Utilizing the latest in desktop publishing software and print-on-demand solutions, as well as taking advantage of cutting-edge digital marketing opportunities, we are able to keep our titles highly visible and at the top of their respective genres. With a talented combination of both in-house staff and outsourced subcontractors, we aren’t strangers to bringing titles to market in a matter of weeks. And with our keen eyes on titles pre- and post-launch, we pride ourselves on maintaining (and refreshing) digital rankings.
What We Look For
Our biggest successes have been with authors who work just as hard as we do. They plan social media book tours, send out ARCs, maintain a newsletter, make author-to-author connections, attend book signings, etc. If this sounds like what you envision when working with an independent publisher, we’d love to chat more!